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Causes of Suffering
Retreat: Nov 13-20: Gil Fronsdal, Bob Stahl

Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
The Buddha Awakens | Bob Stahl | 2023.11.30 | 1:03:54 | 1:03:54 2023.11.30 |
Healing and Forgiveness | Bob Stahl | 2016.11.18 | 57:09 | 57:09 2016.11.18 |
Forest Practice | Bob Stahl | 2008.07.07 | 37:50 | 37:50 2008.07.07 |
The Dhamma Of Identity | Bob Stahl | 2019.11.21 | 48:30 | 48:30 2019.11.21 |
The Heart of Practice | Bob Stahl | 2016.12.03 | 1:04:32 | 1:04:32 2016.12.03 |
Making Peace | Bob Stahl | 2023.12.02 | 31:09 | 31:09 2023.12.02 |
Path of the Practice | Bob Stahl | 2006.08.28 | 45:48 | 45:48 2006.08.28 |
Closing talk, Q and A | Bob Stahl | 2016.11.19 | 35:54 | 35:54 2016.11.19 |
Tick Toc Tick Toc Dhamma | Bob Stahl | 2018.11.27 | 1:03:25 | 1:03:25 2018.11.27 |
Why We Practice: Making Peace | Bob Stahl | 2018.12.01 | 1:00:34 | 1:00:34 2018.12.01 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Freedom is Possible | Andrea Fella | 2017.07.13 | 55:12 | 55:12 2017.07.13 |
The Medicine That Cures | David Cohn | 2014.06.25 | 19:44 | 19:44 2014.06.25 |
Wisdom | Eric Kolvig | 2001.09.10 | 43:33 | 43:33 2001.09.10 |
Reflection on What Has Been Eliminated | Gil Fronsdal | 2000.05.07 | 58:24 | 58:24 2000.05.07 |
The Four Noble Truths | Gil Fronsdal | 2013.01.06 | 39:07 | 39:07 2013.01.06 |
Four Noble Truths - Here and Now | Howard Cohn | 2001.06.25 | 48:22 | 48:22 2001.06.25 |
Practicing with What Is | Maria Straatmann | 2024.05.22 | 14:28 | 14:28 2024.05.22 |
Desire for Enlightenment | Shaila Catherine | 2002.12.22 | 52:58 | 52:58 2002.12.22 |
Pursuit of Happiness | Susan Ezequelle | 2007.02.08 | 46:36 | 46:36 2007.02.08 |
Reactivity and Non Reactivity | Tanya Wiser | 2024.04.14 | 41:51 | 41:51 2024.04.14 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Instructional Sit on Vedana (Feeling Tones of Experience - Day 1) | Bob Stahl | 2017.11.30 | 57:28 | 57:28 2017.11.30 |
Wednesday Guided Metta Meditation: The Story of how this Practice Originated & Resting in the Heart | Bob Stahl | 2021.12.15 | 29:55 | 29:55 2021.12.15 |
Instruction: Overview of Instruction | Bob Stahl | 2016.11.19 | 45:25 | 45:25 2016.11.19 |
Instruction: Mindifulness of Thinking | Bob Stahl | 2016.11.17 | 51:30 | 51:30 2016.11.17 |
Friday morning guided meditation | Bob Stahl | 2020.12.18 | 50:01 | 50:01 2020.12.18 |
Friday Sit with instructions and announcements: Mindfulness of Mind States | Bob Stahl | 2021.12.17 | 46:27 | 46:27 2021.12.17 |
Instructions: Mindflness of the Body | Bob Stahl | 2016.11.15 | 38:11 | 38:11 2016.11.15 |