All Series
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Knowing and Not Knowing | <none> | 2024.11.04 | 00:00 | 00:00 2024.11.04 |
The Power of Refuge | <multiple> | 2024.10.29 | 3:54:22 | 3:54:22 2024.10.29 |
To Transform the World | Gil Fronsdal | 2024.10.28 | 3:38:39 | 3:38:39 2024.10.28 |
Dharmic Reciprocity | Dawn Neal | 2024.10.21 | 3:42:17 | 3:42:17 2024.10.21 |
Introduction to Mindfulness Daylong Retreat | Dawn Neal | 2024.10.19 | 4:22:56 | 4:22:56 2024.10.19 |
Buddha's Smile | David Lorey | 2024.10.14 | 3:55:41 | 3:55:41 2024.10.14 |
Recollection of the Buddha, Mudita, and Metta (Beautiful Mind and Heart) | Kim Allen | 2024.10.12 | 3:42:28 | 3:42:28 2024.10.12 |
Buddha’s Mind | Kim Allen | 2024.10.07 | 3:51:47 | 3:51:47 2024.10.07 |
Hinderances and Wholesomeness | Gil Fronsdal, Kim Allen | 2024.09.30 | 3:47:07 | 3:47:07 2024.09.30 |
Poetry of Practice III | Diana Clark | 2024.09.23 | 3:47:31 | 3:47:31 2024.09.23 |
Our Stories | Diana Clark | 2024.09.16 | 3:53:31 | 3:53:31 2024.09.16 |
Stream Entry | Ajaan Thanissaro | 2024.09.14 | 4:51:42 | 4:51:42 2024.09.14 |
Interpersonal Dharma | Matthew Brensilver | 2024.09.09 | 3:43:17 | 3:43:17 2024.09.09 |
Don't Make it Worse | Gil Fronsdal | 2024.09.02 | 3:43:12 | 3:43:12 2024.09.02 |
Savoring the Flavors of Refuge | Ying Chen, 陈颖 | 2024.08.26 | 3:47:49 | 3:47:49 2024.08.26 |
Trust | Nikki Mirghafori | 2024.08.19 | 3:49:33 | 3:49:33 2024.08.19 |
Poems of the Nuns | The Therīgāthā | Gil Fronsdal | 2024.08.12 | 3:53:43 | 3:53:43 2024.08.12 |
Eight Worldly Winds | Gil Fronsdal | 2024.08.05 | 3:46:34 | 3:46:34 2024.08.05 |
Qualities of the Dharma | Gil Fronsdal | 2024.07.29 | 3:38:01 | 3:38:01 2024.07.29 |
Sensory Doorways to Freedom | Dawn Neal | 2024.07.22 | 3:44:00 | 3:44:00 2024.07.22 |
Práctica de consciencia receptiva al estilo Sayadaw U Tejaniya | Sandra Sanabria | 2024.07.16 | 1:00:45 | 1:00:45 2024.07.16 |
The Five Spiritual Faculties | David Lorey | 2024.07.15 | 3:53:52 | 3:53:52 2024.07.15 |
The Similes of Five Aggregates | Ying Chen, 陈颖 | 2024.07.08 | 3:53:37 | 3:53:37 2024.07.08 |
Trusting the Practice | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.02 | 3:06:41 | 3:06:41 2024.07.02 |
Udayi Sutta | Gil Fronsdal | 2024.06.24 | 3:45:51 | 3:45:51 2024.06.24 |