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Dharmette: Mind's Body (4/5) Grounded & Spacious with Metta

Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Leaning into Receiving Metta | Nikki Mirghafori | 2024.08.13 | 38:28 | 38:28 2024.08.13 |
Happy Hour: the Body as the Basis of Friendliness and Goodwill | Nikki Mirghafori | 2020.09.14 | 53:20 | 53:20 2020.09.14 |
Happy Hour: Metta and the Breath | Nikki Mirghafori | 2021.07.07 | 52:30 | 52:30 2021.07.07 |
Practice Note: Kindness | Nikki Mirghafori | 2017.08.23 | 04:34 | 04:34 2017.08.23 |
Happy Hour: Appreciation/Metta for the Body in Any State of Health | Nikki Mirghafori | 2021.04.28 | 50:52 | 50:52 2021.04.28 |
Happy Hour: Working with Fear through Embodiment and Metta | Nikki Mirghafori | 2020.02.12 | 56:53 | 56:53 2020.02.12 |
Metta for the Neutral Being | Nikki Mirghafori | 2023.09.03 | 40:40 | 40:40 2023.09.03 |
Happy Hour: Metta and Equanimity | Nikki Mirghafori | 2020.08.07 | 53:22 | 53:22 2020.08.07 |
Morning Guidance: Love Supports Release | Nikki Mirghafori | 2021.04.18 | 59:55 | 59:55 2021.04.18 |
Happy Hour: Self-Care Through Embodiment | Nikki Mirghafori | 2021.07.30 | 51:35 | 51:35 2021.07.30 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Meditation I – Embodied Pāmojja | Ajahn Kovilo | 2024.06.01 | 14:30 | 14:30 2024.06.01 |
Metta: Radiating Metta | Andrea Fella | 2014.03.18 | 43:53 | 43:53 2014.03.18 |
Brahma Viharas Meditation | Ayya Santussika | 2017.10.16 | 44:20 | 44:20 2017.10.16 |
Introduction to Metta, Week 1(a) | Dawn Neal | 2013.07.17 | 28:31 | 28:31 2013.07.17 |
Happy Hour: Sensations in the Body as Support | Diana Clark | 2020.06.10 | 42:25 | 42:25 2020.06.10 |
Metta for oneself | Diana Clark | 2023.09.02 | 36:13 | 36:13 2023.09.02 |
Brahmavihāras: Loving-Kindness (2 of 5) | Gil Fronsdal | 2020.12.08 | 16:02 | 16:02 2020.12.08 |
Loving Kindness | Heather Martin | 2012.10.17 | 24:13 | 24:13 2012.10.17 |
Friday Afternoon Sit-Metta | JD Doyle | 2020.12.18 | 25:49 | 25:49 2020.12.18 |
Saturday Afternoon Sit-Metta | Mary Grace Orr | 2020.12.19 | 26:22 | 26:22 2020.12.19 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Guided Meditation: Radiating Metta | Andrea Fella | 2013.08.10 | 29:39 | 29:39 2013.08.10 |
Guided meditation - radiating metta | bruni dávila | 2024.02.03 | 47:09 | 47:09 2024.02.03 |
Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness for the Body | Diana Clark | 2019.02.09 | 11:20 | 11:20 2019.02.09 |
Living Kindness with Kevin Griffin - Second Guided Meditation (3 of 6) | Kevin Griffin | 2023.10.07 | 28:55 | 28:55 2023.10.07 |
Guided Meditation: Mettā | Kim Allen | 2024.10.11 | 30:41 | 30:41 2024.10.11 |
Guided Meditation: Radiation of Mudita | Kim Allen | 2024.10.12 | 31:35 | 31:35 2024.10.12 |
Guided Meditation: Sitting in the Bones | Matthew Brensilver | 2024.07.17 | 27:35 | 27:35 2024.07.17 |
Guided Meditation: Empathy and Kindness | Meg Gawler | 2018.03.03 | 29:06 | 29:06 2018.03.03 |
Metta and Wisdom: Morning Instructions: Acceptance is Love | Sayadaw U Jagara | 2019.06.01 | 12:59 | 12:59 2019.06.01 |
Guided Metta Meditation | Shaila Catherine | 2004.11.23 | 34:06 | 34:06 2004.11.23 |