All Series
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Karma | Nikki Mirghafori | 2022.05.16 | 3:52:20 | 3:52:20 2022.05.16 |
Senior Sangha Book Group | David Cohn, Fiona Barner | 2022.05.13 | 6:24:24 | 6:24:24 2022.05.13 |
Viviendo Compasión | Sandra Sanabria | 2022.05.03 | 3:13:27 | 3:13:27 2022.05.03 |
Entering the World of the Pali Canon | <multiple> | 2022.04.30 | 3:26:32 | 3:26:32 2022.04.30 |
Daily Life Practice | Andrea Fella | 2022.04.17 | 10:20:26 | 10:20:26 2022.04.17 |
Mindfulness, Dharma, Mental Health & Science | Matthew Brensilver | 2022.04.02 | 2:32:33 | 2:32:33 2022.04.02 |
Mindfulness As Protection | Kim Allen | 2022.03.21 | 3:46:06 | 3:46:06 2022.03.21 |
Dependent Origination & Emptiness | Leigh Brasington | 2022.03.19 | 4:22:07 | 4:22:07 2022.03.19 |
Senior Sangha Meetings | <multiple> | 2022.03.01 | 50:54:57 | 50:54:57 2022.03.01 |
Satipaṭṭhāna | Gil Fronsdal | 2022.02.10 | 47:44:39 | 47:44:39 2022.02.10 |
Embodiment and Enlightenment | <multiple> | 2022.01.18 | 6:51:32 | 6:51:32 2022.01.18 |
Daylong: The Four Great Efforts | <multiple> | 2022.01.08 | 3:00:44 | 3:00:44 2022.01.08 |
The Dharma of Uncommon Lists | Kim Allen | 2021.12.20 | 3:45:53 | 3:45:53 2021.12.20 |
Cuatro Fundamentos de la Atención Plena | Andrea Castillo | 2021.10.12 | 10:59:34 | 10:59:34 2021.10.12 |
Introduction to Mindfulness Instruction | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.10.11 | 17:48:41 | 17:48:41 2021.10.11 |
Dhammas | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.09.27 | 3:38:29 | 3:38:29 2021.09.27 |
Karma / Dharma | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.09.20 | 3:42:09 | 3:42:09 2021.09.20 |
Nature as Teacher: the five elements | Susie Harrington | 2021.09.19 | 3:43:44 | 3:43:44 2021.09.19 |
Aging, Illness, Death, & Separation | Ajaan Thanissaro | 2021.09.18 | 3:25:52 | 3:25:52 2021.09.18 |
Citta | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.09.06 | 3:38:30 | 3:38:30 2021.09.06 |
Eightfold Path Program 2021-2022 | <none> | 2021.09.05 | 00:00 | 00:00 2021.09.05 |
Patience - Khanti | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.23 | 4:18:49 | 4:18:49 2021.08.23 |
Faith - Saddhā | Gil Fronsdal | 2021.08.16 | 3:36:48 | 3:36:48 2021.08.16 |
Awakening Poems: Inspiration for Practice from the Therīgāthā and Theragāthā | <multiple> | 2021.08.14 | 3:10:55 | 3:10:55 2021.08.14 |
Equanimity | Matthew Brensilver | 2021.08.09 | 3:05:09 | 3:05:09 2021.08.09 |