Meg Gawler
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Guided Meditation: Trusting the Breath | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.02 | 31:02 | 31:02 2024.07.02 |
Dharmette; Trusting the Practice (1 of 4): Trusting Your Wondrous, Beautiful Mind | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.02 | 15:17 | 15:17 2024.07.02 |
Guided Meditation: Experiencing The Whole Body | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.03 | 32:08 | 32:08 2024.07.03 |
Dharmette; Trusting the Practice (2 of 4): Trusting the Body as our Teacher | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.03 | 18:10 | 18:10 2024.07.03 |
Guided Meditation: Trusting Relaxing | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.04 | 29:45 | 29:45 2024.07.04 |
Dharmette: Trusting the Practice (3 of 4): Having Faith in Yourself | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.04 | 16:01 | 16:01 2024.07.04 |
Guided Meditation: Trusting the Present Moment and the Arising of Joy | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.05 | 30:31 | 30:31 2024.07.05 |
Dharmette: Trusting the Practice (4 of 4): Daring to Trust | Meg Gawler | 2024.07.05 | 13:47 | 13:47 2024.07.05 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
7am Sit & Dharmette | <multiple> | 2020.03.16 | 739:51:02 | 739:51:02 2020.03.16 |
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