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Freely offered by Insight Meditation Center
Freely offered by IMC
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All Retreats

Title Start Date Venue
4 day Radical Presence: Courage, Connection, and Love for Personal and Collective Awakening 2020.09.30 Insight Retreat Center
Experienced Students Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and Ines Freedman 2020.09.12 Insight Retreat Center
4 Day Online Insight Retreat: Sept 2020, Max Erdstein and Diana Clark 2020.09.03 Insight Retreat Center
4-Day Online Insight Retreat with Gil Fronsdal and assisting teachers. 2020.08.26 Insight Retreat Center
Daily Life Retreat (Online) August 2020 2020.08.21 IMC Programs
Satipatthana retreat: Aug 2020, Andrea Fella/Pamela Weiss 2020.08.11 Insight Retreat Center
July 19 -29, 2020: Mindfulness of Mind (Online Retreat) with Andrea Fella 2020.07.18 Insight Retreat Center
July 16-19, 2020: Strengths and Insights with Gil Fronsdal 2020.07.15 Insight Retreat Center
June 27-30 2020: Andrea Castillo & Bruni Dávila 2020.06.26 Insight Retreat Center
LGBTQI Insight Retreat: June 2020, John Martin and bruni dávila 2020.06.16 Insight Retreat Center
June 4-7: Gil Fronsdal and Max Erdstein 2020.06.03 Insight Retreat Center
May 22-25 2020: Insight Retreat with Nikki Mirghafori and Diana Clark 2020.05.21 Insight Retreat Center
May 3-13, 2020: Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella: Clear Comprehension 2020.05.02 Insight Retreat Center
April 11-18, 2020: Awareness and Wisdom (Online Retreat) 2020.04.10 Insight Retreat Center
Feb 22-29 2020: Gil Fronsdal, Dawn Scott & Neesha Patel 2020.02.21 Insight Retreat Center
The Ten Perfections: Jan/Feb 2020, Gil Fronsdal/bruni dávila/Gullu Singh 2020.01.25 Insight Retreat Center
Dec 8-15 2019: Gil Fronsdal & Andrea Fella 2019.12.07 Insight Retreat Center
Nov 2019, Bob Stahl/Mary Grace Orr 2019.11.17 Insight Retreat Center
Nov 3-10 2019: Max Erdstein & Brian Lesage Zen and Insight 2019.11.02 Insight Retreat Center
Equanimity retreat: Oct 2019, Gil Fronsdal/Nikki Mirghafori 2019.10.19 Insight Retreat Center
Insight Retreat: Oct 3-6 2019, Max Erdstein/Matthew Brensilver 2019.10.02 Insight Retreat Center
Deepening Meditation Program (DMP) 2019-20 2019.08.25 IMC Programs
August 2019 Awareness and Wisdom Non-Residential Retreat 2019.08.23 IMC Programs
Aug 14-18, Andrea Fella/Pam Weiss 2019.08.13 Insight Retreat Center
Jul 30-Aug 4 2019: Andrea Castillo & Bruni Dávila 2019.07.30 Insight Retreat Center
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