Related Talks
Four Bases for Success

Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Renunciation and Desire | Ayya Santacitta | 2011.08.19 | 27:23 | 27:23 2011.08.19 |
Five Faculties: Wise Effort (2 of 5) | Cheryl Hylton | 2009.01.15 | 55:29 | 55:29 2009.01.15 |
Efforting and Procrastinating | Diana Clark | 2024.02.26 | 39:45 | 39:45 2024.02.26 |
Skillfulness (Uaya Kausalya) | Gil Fronsdal | 2012.11.11 | 43:59 | 43:59 2012.11.11 |
Foundations of Buddhist Spiritual Life:Cultivation (Week 4 - Part 2) | Gil Fronsdal | 2004.05.19 | 34:42 | 34:42 2004.05.19 |
Determination and Motivation | Ines Freedman | 2005.01.13 | 58:19 | 58:19 2005.01.13 |
Aspiration/Adhittana | Kim Allen | 2016.07.28 | 54:18 | 54:18 2016.07.28 |
The Gift of Effort | Maria Straatmann | 2014.07.22 | 56:46 | 56:46 2014.07.22 |
Factors of Awakening: Mindfulness of Effort | Mel Weitsman | 2017.11.14 | 50:16 | 50:16 2017.11.14 |
The Five Faculties: Effort (2 of 5) | Ronna Kabatznick | 2007.10.11 | 55:29 | 55:29 2007.10.11 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Guided Meditation & The Four Feeding Truths | Ajaan Thanissaro | 2014.04.21 | 1:27:18 | 1:27:18 2014.04.21 |
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Guided Meditation: Parami - Embodying Truth | Ajahn Sucitto | 2018.06.29 | 43:19 | 43:19 2018.06.29 |
Meditation Instructions | Gil Fronsdal | 2019.06.24 | 39:52 | 39:52 2019.06.24 |
Seven Factors of Awakening - Guided Meditation - (Part 3) | Gil Fronsdal | 2006.06.09 | 10:09 | 10:09 2006.06.09 |
Instructions: Mindfulness of Body | Ines Freedman | 2018.05.15 | 35:15 | 35:15 2018.05.15 |
Preventing and Abandoning Unwholesome states, with Guided Meditation | Marjolein Janssen | 2022.01.08 | 49:56 | 49:56 2022.01.08 |
Guided instructions | Mel Weitsman | 2014.05.06 | 07:31 | 07:31 2014.05.06 |
Guided Instructions: Zazen Instructions | Mel Weitsman | 2017.11.15 | 42:12 | 42:12 2017.11.15 |
Guided Meditation on silence | Nikki Mirghafori | 2015.11.21 | 48:55 | 48:55 2015.11.21 |
The Five Hindrances and Guided Meditation | Tanya Wiser | 2017.07.04 | 1:27:47 | 1:27:47 2017.07.04 |
Mindfulness of the Breath and Guided Meditation | Venerable Pannavati | 2012.10.22 | 1:25:06 | 1:25:06 2012.10.22 |