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Rev. Liên Shutt

Rev. Liên Shutt

Rev. Keiryū Liên Shutt is a lineage holder in the Shunryu Suzuki tradition. Born to a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she received her meditation training in the Insight and Zen traditions in the US, Thailand, Japan and Vietnam. She was a founding member of the Buddhists of Color in 1998 and currently is the Guiding Teacher of Access to Zen, an anti-racist, inclusive sangha and non-profit in the SF Bay Area. She lives in San Francisco with her partner, exploring waterways and forests as often as they can.

Rev. Keiryū Liên Shutt is a lineage holder in the Shunryu Suzuki tradition. Born to a Buddhist family in Vietnam, she received her meditation training in the Insight and Zen traditions in the US,...Read more

Title Speaker Date Length Length/
3 Ways to practice our values with Buddhist Precept Rev. Liên Shutt 2024.08.25 44:38 44:38
Showing UP Rev. Liên Shutt 2024.05.08 15:34 15:34
How Do You Connect Rev. Liên Shutt 2024.05.08 01:06 01:06
Skillful Speech:Shifting Speech to Wholenesss Rev. Liên Shutt 2024.01.07 45:42 45:42
Morning Instruction: Noting Emotions & Mental States in Equanimity/Upekkhā Rev. Liên Shutt 2022.07.14 42:03 42:03
Evening Reflection: Well-Enough Joy (Radiating Muditā/Inclusive Joy for All) Rev. Liên Shutt 2022.07.13 30:20 30:20
Dharma Talk: Muditā is Undoing Harm & Harming (The Tender Heart is to be Celebrated) Rev. Liên Shutt 2022.07.13 1:04:07 1:04:07
Morning Instruction: Mindfulness of Body in Movements & Karunā Rev. Liên Shutt 2022.07.12 46:15 46:15
Evening Reflection: Mettā for Self Meditation Rev. Liên Shutt 2022.07.11 28:29 28:29
Dharma Talk: Choose Mettā (with the First Noble Truth) Rev. Liên Shutt 2022.07.11 57:57 57:57
Sunday Morning Dharma Talks - March 8, 2020 to Present. <multiple> 2020.03.08 191:06:08 191:06:08

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