Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Caring for Yourself and Caring for Others | Gil Fronsdal | 2019.12.22 | 37:55 | 37:55 2019.12.22 |
Caring for the Earth by Caring for Ourselves | Gil Fronsdal | 2019.10.06 | 47:21 | 47:21 2019.10.06 |
Dharmette: Giving Thanks/Self Care | Gil Fronsdal | 2018.11.21 | 09:51 | 09:51 2018.11.21 |
Trust Awareness and Love Everyone | Gil Fronsdal | 2018.07.23 | 32:34 | 32:34 2018.07.23 |
Don't Give Up Your Own Welfare for the Welfare of Others | Gil Fronsdal | 2018.07.29 | 37:23 | 37:23 2018.07.29 |
Caring for the Earth, Caring for Oneself | Gil Fronsdal | 2018.10.08 | 35:24 | 35:24 2018.10.08 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Social / Public Concerns | <multiple> | 2010.09.09 | 56:33:17 | 56:33:17 2010.09.09 |
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