How we approach insight practice conditions what we discover. Coming to it for stress management brings one kind of result; seeking emotional intelligence and balance brings another. Buddhist insight (vipassana) practice was originally designed as a vehicle for liberation. To fulfill this potential, it helps to understand how it works as a practice of liberation.
One of the most profound teachers of insight practice in modern times was the Burmese teacher Mahasi Sayadaw. Most insight meditation taught in the world is derived from his teachings. This daylong class presented his teachings on the 'absolute view of reality' which is helpful for attaining liberation and as well as finding happiness in our busy lives. With refined knowledge of this view, we can realize for ourselves the subtle wisdom of the Buddha's liberation.
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Refined Knowledge, Subtle Wisdom (1 of 5) | Steve Armstrong | 2007.09.08 | 44:08 | 44:08 2007.09.08 |
Refined Knowledge, Subtle Wisdom (2 of 5) | Steve Armstrong | 2007.09.08 | 54:54 | 54:54 2007.09.08 |
Refined Knowledge, Subtle Wisdom (3 of 5) | Steve Armstrong | 2007.09.08 | 57:08 | 57:08 2007.09.08 |
Refined Knowledge, Subtle Wisdom (4 of 5) | Steve Armstrong | 2007.09.08 | 1:01:44 | 1:01:44 2007.09.08 |
Refined Knowledge, Subtle Wisdom (5 of 5) | Steve Armstrong | 2007.09.08 | 1:10:46 | 1:10:46 2007.09.08 |
Appears in Series:
Title | Speaker | Date | Length | Length/ Date |
Actions |
Sati Center | <multiple> | 2004.04.24 | 491:17:37 | 491:17:37 2004.04.24 |
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